


ArbitralWomen Newsletters

ArbitralWomen (AW) is an international non-governmental organisation which brings together women practitioners active in all kinds of dispute resolution. I acted as AW’s Newsletter Director from 2014-2016 and am currently privileged to serve as an advisory member of the Board of Directors.

AW’s Newsletters are a rich source of information - not just for women - about the organisation’s activities and other topics of current interest to those working or having an interest in international dispute resolution. Under the leadership of Board members Jo Delaney and Erika Williams, the Newsletters include, among other things, details of AW’s activities and projects (too numerous to mention here: just one example is AW’s work on unconscious bias and the AW Unconscious Bias Toolkit to be launched in 2018), reports on recent events, a calendar of future events taking place worldwide, and networking initiatives such as AW’s SpeedNet events. They also feature interviews with women leaders in dispute resolution.

Issue No. 24 was published in January 2018 and can be accessed here, as can previous editions. Issue 24 is introduced by AW’s new President Asoid Garcia-Márquez and features an interview with Deborah Tomkinson, Secretary-General at the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration. As well as reporting on current projects, Issue 24 looks forward to this year’s celebrations of AW’s 25th anniversary.

You can subscribe to receive AW’s Newsletters by email by registering on the AW website’s Media-Newsletter page.
