Gillian is a Registered Mediator with the Civil Mediation Council (England & Wales) and Scottish Mediation.
She trained as a mediator in English and French and has obtained several accreditations for commercial and civil, investor-State, and community mediation.
Gillian has been appointed as mediator in a variety of civil and commercial cases, particularly cases in which arbitration has already commenced or is being anticipated, and as co-mediator in numerous community mediations. See Sectors and Gillian’s CV for case examples.
Gillian is a signatory of the Mediators Green Pledge. She is committed to raising awareness of the benefits of mediation as a key process for addressing many environmental and climate-related disputes.
In her time as counsel, Gillian advised and represented clients in all stages of commercial and investor-State arbitrations (both ad hoc and institutional). She has significant experience of the principal international arbitration institutions and rules, including the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Rules (UNCITRAL), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Procedural Rules on Conciliation and Arbitration of Contracts Financed by the European Development Fund, London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA), Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC), the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA).
Gillian has been appointed as co-arbitrator in commercial cases administered by ICC and the SCC and as sole arbitrator by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in several commercial cases.
Gillian’s arbitration experience frequently comes into play in her mediator practice, when it can often be essential to help parties examine alternatives to mediated settlement agreements.
Gillian has been a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators since 2008. She is a former member of ArbitralWomen's board and currently serves on the Advisory Council to that board. She is also a member of the board of the Scottish Arbitration Centre where she serves on the committee responsible for drafting the Centre’s Arbitration Rules. Gillian teaches international arbitration as a guest lecturer to postgraduate students at the University of Aberdeen. She is a signatory of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations Pledge.
Gillian provides the following consultancy services in relation to mediation and arbitration:
Drafting contractual dispute resolution provisions.
Advising in relation to dispute resolution processes under bilateral and multilateral treaties.
Advising on design of appropriate dispute resolution processes after disputes have arisen, particularly whether, how and when to use mediation.
Assisting in-house counsel and law firms with preparation for mediations.
See Sectors and Gillian’s CV for case examples.