


Global Pound Conference Series – join us in Paris on 26 April!

An important series of events not to be missed in the dispute resolution field is the GPC Series 2016–2017, which was initiated by the International Mediation Institute. It is a global project that aims, through a series of conferences currently being held throughout the world and involving a broad range of dispute resolution stakeholders, to find out what dispute resolution users need and want and to shape the future of commercial dispute resolution.

For those unfamiliar with the GPC Series, visit the website,, where you can sign up for or become involved in a GPC event in your region of the world. So far, events have been held in Singapore, Lagos, Mexico City, New York, Geneva, Toronto, Madrid, Austin (Texas), Hong Kong, San Francisco, Dubai, Los Angeles, Berlin, Warsaw and Miami. GPC events in further cities around the world are planned, including Paris on 26 April 2017 and the closing event in London on 6 July 2017. GPC Paris will be taking place during Paris Arbitration Week and, in addition to those with an interest in arbitration, the GPC Paris organising committee looks forward to welcoming all stakeholders involved in commercial dispute resolution. 

The GPC Series has a blog platform focusing on dispute resolution and access to justice. Contributions are welcomed: contact GPC Series Blog Editor Natasha Mellersh at

Gillian Carmichael Lemaire, member of the Paris GPC committee