


Paris Arbitration Week – Equality in Arbitration (L’égalité dans l’arbitrage)

Thursday 27 April 2017, 8h30 – 9h30
Library, Palais de Justice, 4 Boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris

As part of Paris Arbitration Week, the Paris Bar will hold a conference on Equality in Arbitration, at which Madame Dominique Attias, vice chair of the Paris Bar Council (vice-batonnière de l’Ordre des avocats de Paris) will sign the Pledge for Equal Representation in Arbitration in the presence of members of ArbitralWomen.

Gillian Carmichael Lemaire, an Advisory Member of ArbitralWomen’s Board of Directors, will speak on a panel of fellow members of the Paris Bar, namely Laurence Kiffer (also a member of the Bar Council and Secretary of the Bar’s International Commission), Valence Borgia, Eliseo Castineira, Caroline Duclercq and Gisèle Stephens-Chu, as well as ArbitralWomen co-founder and Special Counsel at the ICC, Mirèze Philippe.

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