


Successful LCILP 3rd Annual Conference on Energy Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Middle East and Africa

Congratulations and thanks to Brandon Malone (Co-Director – International Centre for Energy Arbitration and Chairman of the Board of the Scottish Arbitration Centre) and LCILP for organising the successful and hugely enjoyable London Centre of International Law Practice third annual conference on Energy Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Middle East and Africa on 6 and 7 March 2018. Thanks also to hosts Herbert Smith Freehills.

The varied programme addressed a wide range of topics ranging from The Impact of One Belt One Road on energy disputes in MEA to Middle East Energy Arbitration: Live Issues. A fuller list is set out in an earlier post.

Gillian Carmichael Lemaire spoke on the panel addressing Arbitration and peace: dispute resolution in destabilised jurisdictions, chaired by Ania Farren. Gillian’s topic was Arbitration and Mediation: Friends or Foes? She looked at some mediation statistics for the MEA region and addressed the different ways in which mediation can be used, whether as a standalone process, an adjunct to arbitration or as part of hybrid processes. Co-panelist Craig Tevendale addressed Proving claims in times of conflict: state responsibility and challenges of evidence, and John Gilbert discussed Changing regimes and disputes. 
