


Diversité dans l’arbitrage – par où commence le changement ? Paris, 12 April 2018

Paris Arbitration Week will take place between 9 and 13 April 2018 at a range of venues across the city. The week is packed with a terrific array of events (mostly free of charge) and what Paris does best: cocktail parties, giving participants numerous opportunities to network.

A special mention for this roundtable on diversity in arbitration (register via this link) to be held at the Bibliothèque de l’Ordre des avocats, Palais de Justice on 12 April from 2.30pm – 5.15pm. The discussion will take place in French and will focus on diversity in the arbitration field in Paris, taking into account the views of counsel, arbitrators, clients, institutions and the Paris Bar.

Madame le Bâtonnier de l’Ordre des avocats de Paris, Marie-Aimée Peyron, will give an address at the start of the discussion and will be joined by Paris Bar members Valence Borgia, Eliseo Castineira, Caroline Duclercq, Gisèle Stephens-Chu and Gillian Carmichael Lemaire, ArbitralWomen co-founder and Special Counsel at the ICC Mirèze Philippe, and General Counsel Ian Kayanakis. Valence, Caroline, Gisèle and Gillian are also ArbitralWomen members.